
Anthology Of Post Industrial And Experimental Music From Italy

digipack CD compilation reelased by UNEXPLAINED SOUNDS GROUP PRODUCTION ( cat# USG075 ) featuring Teatro Satanico, Bad Sector, Sigillum S, Simon Balestrazzi, Capricorni Pneumatici, Deison, Gianluca Becuzzi, Runes Order, M.L. Stancati, Hermetic Brotherhood of Lux-Or, Nimh, Heimito Kunst, M. Olla, Subterranean Source, A. Tonieeti, Uncodified, Sonologyst.

Please mind that even though the editor did not declare it in the notes our 4 mins long track here enlisted, "Banisteriopsis Caapi Panthera Onca", is just an EXCERPT taken from the same title 28mins26secs long track that originally appeared in our previous 2021 JEU DE L'OIE tape album , see https://www.teatrosatanico.it/it/discografia.html?d=jeu-de-l-oie-%C3%A0-voix-basse-mal%C3%A9dictions-.html